New Lake Country
Fish Reproductions

LAKE COUNTRY REPRODUCTION      Mounted by Carl Lewis, York  SC 

Skip,  Click Here for available replicas

Many of the replicas sold today have changed little from their original design. They still are based on the graphite materials introduced 30 years ago and still suffer from the same problems as those originals: thick and unnatural fins, poor scale detail, mouth interiors that bear little resemblance to a real fish’s mouth and gills that look more like pipe cleaners than the breathing organs of fish. The end result is that customers end up saying that “They just don’t look real”.We couldn’t agree more. After many years of frustration, we took matters into our own hands and began experimenting with the materials and advances in chemistry available in recent years, many of which weren’t even on the drawing board in 1979. After all, with all of the new acrylics, urethanes, plastics, elastomer composites and the whole range of space age materials, why should we still be making replicas out of the same old stuff?

After many long hours spent in our lab doing research and development, we feel (and we aren’t alone in this opinion) that we have come up with a product that is vastly superior to what is currently available on the commercial market. The result is something that up until now has only been available in taxidermy competitions.

We invite you to view our product with a critical eye. When you look into the mouths of our replicas, you will see teeth that are an exact reproduction of the real thing, not points of putty made to look like teeth. Our gills are cast from real gills, not fuzzy polyester strips. Our fins are thin and transparent giving you that natural translucent quality that real fish fins have. Our scale detail is unmatched, right down to the pores in the skin. All of the components are assembled exactly as they were disassembled to really create something worthy of the title “replica”.

Our process uses numerous acrylic, elastomer and urethane composites to create a product that we’re proud of.

Lake Country Replicas will last a lifetime, unlike skin mounted fish.

  • No continually shrinking heads
  • No skin bubbling after a few years
  • No need to bring them back after five or ten years to be “touched up”

The advanced research and development that we’ve put into the Lake Country series of fish replicas have ensured that they all feature:

  • They are much easier to keep clean because they are less fragile.
  • Translucent thin fins and no unsightly backing to keep them in place.
  • Unsurpassed mouth detail. One of the complaints that the public has had in the past when you look in the mouth of replicas is that it just “doesn’t look real”. When you look in the mouths and gills of our fish it looks like the “real thing!” Teeth, gills and tongue are all ultra-realistic because they are all molded from the real thing.
  • We love that taxidermists are continually scrutinizing our fish to determine if they are “skin mounts” or replicas. You friends won’t be able to tell either.

By specifying a Lake Country Replica you can have your trophy and eat it too. Better yet you can practice “Catch and Release” so someone else has a chance to catch a trophy on another day.

 Click Here for available replicas